
Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper and origami” comes from two Japanese words: “ori,” which means “fold,” and “kami,” which means “paper.”At first, origami was mostly used for religious ceremonies and special occasions. But over time it became more popular as a fun activity for people of all ages.

I made it a jumping frog out of origami I have made it a black and orange one I like making the frogs because they can jump. The most small frogs can  move  more far  when they jump . The orange one is bigger than the other one I made i named the orange one Jeff and the other one frogger. The easy bit of the frog was is the folding and what I found hotter was doing the folks what I don’t know how to do.  Next time I will like to make a origami pug.

My Robot bunny

For Monday Mashup we followed a tutorial that taught us how to draw a Robot bunny.

The artist helped us draw by explaining how to draw, he draw too, he stopped after each section, he gave us step-by-step instructions

the skill we use were, listening, watching, drawing, taking notice,  and drawing curves lines.

Here Is my Robot bunny.

Do you know how to draw a robot bunny? Check kids art hub on YouTube to find out how.

my pet rock

My pet rock’s name is Spidey and my pet rock eats ants.

My pet rock can bend in with the grass.

My pet rock is 13 years old.

how I made my pet rock first i painted him Black. Number two i glued 10 eyes on him. Number three cutest two fiags
on him and and final 8 green pipe cleaners.

And his habitat is just made out of sticks.

Space Pugs

Some pugs jumped out into  space.

They invaded the moon because they wanted to destroy the aliens.

The pugs did it they went back to earth. When they went back to earth they went through a portal.

Cop Pug

One day, on Sunday, there was a robber. He was robbing chicken nuggets and chips and the frozen coke from McDonald’s and the person working there called the pug cops. The robber ran away with the food and the drink. The pug cop was driving in his police car really fast to try to get the robber. He went in an alleyway that  was a shortcut to the beach. When he was at the beach he ate his food and then jumped off and landed on a trampoline that saved his life.


He ran really fast and he broke into a car to drive away he was really fast but he jumped out of his car to go in the water and then he went into the water he swim really far from the city the cops couldn’t find him but when they found him he went in jail the end.Or is it?

Kei te aha koe ?


Today for te reo māori we made a google drawing based on a sentience in māori. We had to say what are you doing in māori, And the response i did in māori was I am running. In the google drawing below it will show my actions.